Getting Our Acts Together: A Night of Northern Hills One-Acts
VenueBF Rec Center Audiorium
DatesAugust 26 at 7pm
DurationApprox. 100 Minutes (Incl 2 10 min intermissions)
We had so much fun last year, we just had to do it again! Getting Our Acts Together consists of three one-acts: one by the Historic Homestake Opera House from Lead; one by the Matthews Opera House in Spearfish; one by Belle Fourche Area Community Theater. Each night will be held in a different location, so each theater group gets a chance to perform in a new space and give that community a chance to see a show by other local theater groups. This will be a one of a kind show so make sure to be there, you will have three opportunities in three different communities to catch it.
My sister moved out all of a sudden. And now here I am living with two strangers. At least you’ve got someone you know. I’m all by myself.

Belle Fourche Area Community Theater’s Show Couch Potato by Patrick Gabridge
Belle Fourche Area Community Theater’s contribution to the night of one-acts is Couch Potato by Patrick Gabridge. Couch Potato tells the story of Eric, the ultimate slacker, but his goal of remaining motionless in front of the TV is in serious jeopardy. His sister and fiancé move out and leave him behind in the apartment, and the two newlyweds moving in aren’t keen to share their space with a complete stranger. Can Eric use his wits to stay rooted, or is he about to be yanked from his chosen resting place? A fast-paced comedy of inertia.

The Matthews Opera House & Arts Center’s Show Talent Show Fail by Ian McWethy & Carrie McCrossen
The town of Holly Springs has terrible roads, and the citizens are counting on the money raised from this year’s talent show to fix them. Unfortunately, the one guy who has a talent wants to do taxes onstage this year. As the host, Tina is determined the show must go on, even as duets are being hastily converted to solos, angsty teens are reading upsetting poetry and everyone’s being hounded by a heckler. Will the town of Holly Springs get their act together or are they doomed to a future of potholes and unrehearsed roller-skating?

Historic Homestake Opera House’s Show Superhero Sanitarium by Scott Haan
Lois Lancaster is a big-city journalist writing about the current state of mental health facilities. Her research takes her to a hospital populated with a unique group of quirky inmates who imagine they are crime-fighting superheroes. Speed Freak thinks he can run at incredible speeds, while enthusiastic Dim Bulb thinks he has the ability to turn off lights with his brain. Mental thinks she can read minds, despite being prone to sudden outbursts of bizarre non-sequiturs. Kevin, much less quirky and flamboyant than the other inmates, doesn’t embarrass himself with a ridiculous code name or costume…at least, not initially. Dr. Gail Eisner appears to be a kindly hospital administrator, a steady influence needed to effectively run a madhouse like this one. At first Lois finds their elaborate superhero fantasies to be an entertaining diversion, the wild delusions of unstable minds, until something unusual happens that makes her wonder.
Getting Our Acts Together: A Night of Northern Hills One-Acts Cast
LucyRachel Munce
EricStephanie Bussiere
TomGideon Gilger
NancyIsabella Dietrich
DanTyler Schone
Getting Our Acts Together: A Night of Northern Hills One-Acts Creative
DirectorAllie Juso Verry
Assistant DirectorTyler Schone
Stage ManagerTace Hartman
ProducerDerek Olson
LightsZachary Gerbracht
Getting Our Acts Together: A Night of Northern Hills One-Acts Credits
Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.