What Do You Do In Your Day-To-Day Life?
In my day to day life, I do in home daycare, bake, work out and take care of my family.
How Long Have You Been Involved With Community Theater
I have been involved in community theatre since I was 7 years old. For BFACT specifically, since 2012 when I made Belle Fourche my home.
What Has Been Your Favorite Role To Play Or Role In A Production?
I really enjoyed my character Dina in Honeymoon on the Rusted Rail and The Last Voyage of the Ginormic. She was a lot of fun to play.

What Keeps You Coming Back Every Year?
I keep coming back because I love the people, the community, and the ability to create and perform quality entertainment for our area. I really like the opportunity it provides for our youth as well.
What Is A Show You Have Always Wanted To Do?
I really want to do Noises Off!
What Is One Of Your Favorite BFACT Memories?
My favorite memory.. I have many, but one that sticks out was after a M*A*S*H rehearsal, going to Stadium and talking to Derek and Monte about joining the theatre committee, various roles and opportunities coming up and really feeling welcomed into the group as well as the community. As a transplant, the theatre has helped make Belle Fourche a home for me.
How Would You Like To See BFACT Grow?
I would love to see more theatre camps for kids or sponsoring kids at theatre camps in neighboring towns. Theatre gives kids a way to grow and express themselves in so many ways and it is so unlike anything else. There are many opportunities to be apart of a production, even for the kids that feel stage-shy, such as learning how to run lights & sounds, or assisting with costume or set design, and we can always use a hand back stage, too. There is a place for everyone-whatever their talent or skill set may be.