September 9, 2023 Minutes

Black Hills Diner
10:00 AM


President Nathan S


Nathan S, Heather, Kelsey, Angela, Sharon, Derek, quorum achieved. 


Motion: Kelsey, Second, Angela, unanimous passage


Rec Center

We are still trying to figure out a time to paint the stage. The goal was to be before “House on Haunted Hill” but looks like it may be after the high school show instead. The Rec Center has moved the outlets from the front of the stage to the top of it, but not in the way I was hoping. Also, they were supposed to move the cable holder to the top of the stage as well but haven’t been able to get to it yet. I will keep checking back to get this done. As far as the theater cleanup effort, I will work with Terry to get a time figured out to get the stairs built for the storage area on Stage Left. Terry is also on the board that will choose the community board for the Rec Center so hoping to hear from him on when meetings are so we can perhaps attend. Nate Velander is unfortunately no longer the director and the board will be choosing whether or not to hire another. Planning to perhaps leverage the fact that we basically run the theater and all their events to negotiate a new contract for either a discount or free usage. 

We had moved some items to the HS shed during cleanup and after “Rock of Ages” but unfortunately there was some miscommunication and everything we put in there is now gone. I have been assured there is no reason anyone should take anything out of there over the next year so we can store some items but I think we may need to figure out a different storage solution for the future.

With Nathan Velander leaving as Rec Center Director I think several initiatives we were working with him will be on hold for the moment. He was still working to get new speakers for the front of the house and more storage out back of the theater. I will keep checking back with the Rec on how things are moving forward on finding a new director and will work with an interim director if one is appointed to keep theater issues top of mind. Once a new director has been hired or other decisions made, I will make sure to meet with them right away. There is also a committee that is working out the citizen board for the Rec Center and I will try and go to meetings when I can on that to make sure theater is represented.

I have been talking about this for a while, but my goal is to get the sound and lights instructions completed in the next month to give to groups on how to use everything. Also, Concert Series shows will start at the end of this month and we will have to have someone available to help with each concert, so I will be looking for other sound/light operators I can train.


I have been able to get back to the website and am making good progress. I would like to get BOD bios soon, maybe in the next month or two. When we take photos for “House on Haunted Hill” I would like to get BOD photos done at the same time. I would like to have the new website ready to launch by the end of the year.

Annual Reports

With the Annual Meeting coming up in January, I would love reports by the end of December from everyone. Last year’s report is here: you can view this to see what needs to be done.


The show for GOAT went very well overall. The Belle Fourche performance was well received. We sold 91 tickets for the show and had 7 comps (those comps include volunteers and that is how people who purchased the season tickets from Angela are inputted). That is compared to 72 tickets from last year’s show. I would call that a success. Allie and Tyler did a great job directing the show and the cast was fantastic. It was good working with the other theaters again and everyone is committed to doing GOAT again and doing what we can to pool resources and help each other out.

  • Show Income: $830 in ticket sales and $148.94 for the bake sale for a total of $978.94
  • Show Expenses: $681.18
  • Money Made: $297.76


Now that the season is winding down and business sponsorships are done until the beginning of the year, my focus is shifting to grants. I have several that I am applying for now, but if anyone knows of any coming up, please let me know and I will make sure to apply to them as well.


Print Market is again willing to print programs for House on Haunted Hill for free. They also seem to be willing to print programs for us for free for the 2024 season as well. Will be meeting to see if we can talk them up to printing out posters as well. Their machines also fold and staple our programs which saves us a lot of volunteer time and effort. Perhaps discuss upping their sponsorship level for a larger ad.


  • President
    • Still need to meet with Nathan T and Sharon to discuss archival projects and individual sponsorship opportunities. Also wants to work with Nathan T to create policy and framework for expectations from committees and board members. 
  • Vice President
    • Absent
  • Secretary
    • Submitted receipts for bake sale reimbursement, requesting $40 in lieu of full total
  • Treasurer
    • Bank balance: 12,867.38. Arts people fees for GOAT: 67.40
  • Creative Committee
    • House on Haunted Hill
      • Auditions were held for “House on Haunted Hill,” and even though we were hoping for a slightly larger turnout, we have enough actors and will begin practices this coming week. Heather and I are both very excited for this show, I think it will be very good and unique. We did gain a couple of new actors for the show and a couple who haven’t been involved in a BFACT show in a while so that was great news!
    • Next Season
      • The Creative Committee had Anna Robinson and Nathan Thompson join to help us implement this coming season. We met as the Creative Committee on September 7 and tried to lock down next season’s dates. None of these are fully approved, I still have to run them past the Rec Center, but these are our tentative dates and shows.
        • Dinner Theater
          • Nathan S and Toi are leading the charge on trying to get a Murder Mystery Dinner Theater show for Valentine’s Day this year. This would be a show they create, not a purchased script.
        • Night of One-Acts
          • We are looking at March 22 – 24 for a night of one-acts. This show will consist of two classic BFACT shows, “Atomic Lobsters from the Center of the Earth” and “Terror at Rock and Roll Beach” and we are looking for a local author to write a third show to fit with these two. Stephanie Bussiere has expressed interest in directing one of these shows and I could possibly do the others.
        • Main Show
          • We are looking at June 28 – 30 for our main show this year. We are still deciding on the show to do here but have narrowed it down to either “Murder on the Orient Express” or “Death on the Nile” by Agatha Christie. We are looking for a director for this show.
        • Radio Show
          • We are looking at doing another live radio play, this time August 17 and 18. Tyler Schone is interested in directing this show and will probably be a collection of Sherlock Holmes radio dramas.
        • GOAT
          • Due to conflicts with other theaters, we are looking to move GOAT next year to October 11 – 13. We don’t currently have a director for this show or have picked out the one-act.
        • Christmas Show
          • We are looking at a Christmas Show on Dec 13 – 15. This show will be a family show, with an emphasis on kids. Rachel Munce is looking to direct this show.
        • Other Events
          • We are hoping to do the Kid’s theater camp again with JAM, but that all depends on them. We will check back with them and see if they wish/are able to do this again. The plan is to perhaps create a youth committee to plan children’s programming throughout the year. Rachel expressed interest in working on this as did Sharon. Perhaps start with a small skit show for nursing homes. Angela will reach out to them to see if they are interested in bringing something like that in. 
          • We are looking at a potential writer’s workshop where people bring scripts they are working on and can work with other writers and then potentially have actors perform their shows with some cold readings, potentially for an audience.
          • We might have a Directors boot camp this coming season if we have several new directors joining us this coming season or are just interested.
          • Lastly we are in the beginning stages of working up an improv troupe. The idea would be they perform for several weeks to allow it to grow an audience.
  • Public Relations
    • Will request venue 519 for annual meeting and also for radio drama August 17/18. Will be at the rec for the open house tomorrow with flyers and membership info. Continuing to attend meetings with chamber, museum, arts council, and writers group. December 2nd is still in the air as FAB has not yet heard back from Graps on event space. We do not currently have dates for the give big campaign but we are signed up. 
  • Membership Committee
    • Will work on getting out newsletter to promote auction, House on Haunted Hill, and recaps of Rock of Ages and Goat. Missed last month due to time constraints. Will assign portions of the newsletter for other board members to write up to help alleviate time pressure. 
  • Grant & Fundraising Committee
    • Absent


  1. Scholarships: tabled, Nathan T and Angela have not yet gotten templates together


  1. Estate donation: Nathan S will receive an estate donation for the theater from a former accompanist that wanted to support local arts. Discussed sending a card to the family and setting up a spot on the new website to honor legacy donors. 
  2. Board planning day: potential consultant Anna Robbins presented the following rubic for a 6 to 8 hour long meeting to discuss the direction of the organization:
    1. Evolution planning day 2024
      1. What: a one day retreat with board members and a facilitator to plan the next two years regarding specific, mission drive areas.
      2. When: january or february after board elections
      3. Results: a two year plan regarding the following areas
        1. Engagement
          1. Building consistent engagement with volunteers and members ships
            • Shows and programming
            • Operation volunteers
          2. Attracting buy in from the community/area of service. Including identifying local, key stake holders
            • Long term business sponsorships
            • Community partners
            • Community leaders
          3. Developing staff (paid and volunteer)
            • Professional development for leadership
            • Trainings for program directors
        2. Exploration
          1. Gathering information from members, volunteers, and the community on what programs/resources are needed or wanted in the theater/arts space
            • What holes exist in the area that BFACT can fill?
            • What holes in our organization do we need to address for growth?
        3. Evolution
          1. Commitment to a strategic planning process starting in early 205
            • Identify the official committee including board members and other key stakeholders
            • Research examples and process guidance
            • Budget [rpcess
            • GOAL: implement strategic plan in 2026 for the following three to five years
      4. Implementation: to be discussed. Maybe this falls under current roles? Maybe this is an ongoing special committee? Leave the retreat with a list of action items- what is the next step in carrying out the evolution plan?
    2. For her work on preparing and facilitating this meeting, Anna would charge a fee of $200. Tabled to allow Nathan T and Allie to be present for vote 


6:30 PM 10/23/23 Graps


Motion to adjourn Kelsey, Second, Angela. Unanimous passage

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