September 23, 2024 Minutes

7:00 PM
Grap’s Wine Room

Call To Order:

President Nathan S

Roll Call: 

Nathan S, Nathan T, Kelsey, Heather, Sharon, Mike, Derek, Al was present for first 20 minutes only. 

Approval of previous minutes:

Motion to approve: Sharon, seconded by Mike, unanimous passage

Old Business:

  1. Strategic Planning committee appointments: Jody and Sheila have agreed to sit on committee. President Nathan S appoints Kelsey, Mike, Derek, and himself to seat committee as well. Tentative October meeting

New Business:

  1. Insurance for fundraising committee: Nathan T will research liability insurance. 

Executive Director Report:


I have been doing more research into Zeffy and it looks like it has some contact storage and such, it is more focused on fundraising. The good thing about that, is it has lots of tools about tracking donations and such with individual people. I would like to meet with the Volunteer committee and get from them what they think would be helpful in a CRM and then make a final determination and move forward with one.


I am going to move forward soon with 2025 Grants. I will start with Midco, Walmart, the Dreyfuss Foundation and look into the Clarkson Foundation. I will also look into a larger donation from FIB through their giving organization. We won’t be eligible for SD Community Foundation or Arts Council next year so I will have to go out more to look for grants we can get.


The Rec ended up painting the stage but there seems to be two different types of paint on the stage. They are aware of the issue but want to give a week drying time to any painting on the stage so they won’t be doing that in the near future. It’s not ideal, but I don’t think it will be a huge issue for GOAT.


I spoke with Jody and she has put into her budget request for next year all of the sound/video equipment. We will see how that goes. Also, we are not sure if the back speaker can get fixed in Belle so we might need to look further out to get it fixed. My hope is to have it working before GOAT. I am also pushing to get a new iPad in place or to see if the old sound board can be utilized soon so we have the ability to do more mics, especially for the Christmas Show.

Concert Series

There is a Concert Series on Oct 4. We will need a person there at 3pm to help and then be there for the show at 7 to run lights. Is anyone available, otherwise I will handle it. If possible it would be great to get someone else there for the performance itself. I can help with setup at 3pm.

Officer Reports: 

  • President
    • Nothing to report
  • Vice President
    • Nothing to report
  • Secretary
    • Nothing to report
  • Treasurer
    • Current bank balance of $23,195.15
  • Creative Committee
    • GOAT
      • Things are progressing well on GOAT. The show has been cast and they are practicing now and it seems to be going well. We are in the process of scheduling times for the other theaters to come to Belle to practice and for us to go to theirs. Our night will be October 10 and tickets will go on sale tomorrow. We will need some people to help take tickets, run bake sale and possibly usher, I will need help tracking down those people. Also, we will be doing some gift bags for people like last year, I could use a hand with that as well. *last second expense of $150 for print scripts
    • Next Season
      • I am struggling getting all of the other theaters set for a date for GOAT 2025, not sure if October will work now. If I cannot get everyone committed to a date by the end of next week I am going to schedule a CC meeting and we will get our dates set and try and figure out when to slip GOAT in, we can’t wait forever to set the season.
  • Public Relations
    • Posters are going out for GOAT. Will share call for carolers for vintage Christmas for the city. Collecting info for upcoming newsletter. 
  • Volunteer Committee
    • Planning October meeting. 
  • Fundraising Committee
    • Working on getting gift baskets and collecting donations for the silent action. Planning a few items online only and the rest in person only. 
  • 15 Year Committee
    • Goals: to celebrate, fundraise, and establish
    • 1500 donation goal outside of other fundraising
    • Have someone at each show to talk to people specifically about 15 year
    • Social media campaign headed by Anna/Derek
    • Specific merch headed by Anna/Derek
    • Documentary: initial cost: 7,000, 2,000 from us, 5,000 from grant headed by Anna
    • Short film to be completed by main show, shorter version for advertising
    • Display at the rec center and museum
    • Annual fundraiser medieval times style. Will have its own committee to plan. Nathan S appoints Derek as chair
    • July 4th float and cookout-class reunion theme
    • City declaration of performing arts day. Hopefully to coincide with the first show. Heidi Parker will investigate.  
    • Day of Service

Next meeting:

10/28/24 @ 7pm


Motion to adjourn: Mike, seconded by Kelsey, unanimous passage. 

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Heather Pittman

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