October 27, 2022 Minutes
BF Rec Center/Zoom
6:00 pm
Nathan Schreier
Kelsey Gronlund, Nathan Schreier, Derek Olson, Emma Tinsley, Becky Tinsley, Heather Pittman, Angela Hastings. Toi Lyn Flick @ 1830.
Heather, Emma
I have been pretty consumed by the one-acts, Hitchcock and being sick for the month of October. I also helped setup sound for a Concert Series performance at the Rec. The one-acts went really great, we had a fantastic crowd that really seemed to enjoy the show. We got a lot of compliments on it and lots of new patrons who had never been to a show in Belle. We even had an actor from Lead try out for the Christmas show because of this and have a couple of other people from out of town interested in shows for us next season. All of the other towns were very happy about how the show turned out and we are going to meet in the next week or two to start talking about next year’s show. All in all, I would call it a big success.
- President
- Not present
- Vice President
- Finished up One Acts. Waiting on an accumulated charge from printing costs from the School District. Upcoming expenses are for the Halloween/Christmas shows for posters and programs.
- Secretary
- No updates at this time.
- Treasurer
- Income: $655 one acts, $186.36 concession, $60 quilt raffle tickets.
- Current bank balance: $10382.16
- Creative Committee
- Getting Our Acts Together
- Kelsey has the final numbers on the show but we sold 73 tickets for the performance and had a great haul for the bake sale. All in all, we should have made some money off this show. I think this is worth making an annual event.
- Vintage Hitchcock
- Heather and I have been working on this show but unfortunately this past week I have been unable to be there due to COVID. Heather has done a fantastic job getting everything ready for the show this Saturday. We have strong presale numbers, as of this morning 24 tickets have been sold. We will need some help on Saturday setting up chairs as well as taking them down. We may need ticket takers and people to help with the bake sale if anyone is available.
- Christmas Carol
- Auditions happened for a Christmas Carol. It was not what we were hoping for but there are enough people to do the show. Toi is working with the Rec on a schedule and the first read through happened this past week. Promotions for this show will start ramping up as soon as the Hitchcock show is done.
- Getting Our Acts Together
- Public Relations
- Friendsgiving invitations are being mailed this week- cost for food is approximately $300. We will need board games and Nathan is providing music. We will use the float posters from the parade as decorations.
- Chamber poster for Christmas season presented. We are on multiple community calendars, in the paper, and websites for advertising.
- Meeting with Arts Council, Chamber of Commerce regularly.
- Membership Committee
- Reached out to Arts People to figure out email list issues. At this time we have not heard back from them for resolution.
- Grant & Fundraising Committee
- One Acts concession went well. Working on additional fundraiser for Christmas season.
- Quilt Raffle- going well. Toi Lyn will bring the Halloween show.
- Parade of Lights- November 25. Need to register with the Chamber of Commerce-Toi Lyn will get this done/more information.
- Polar express- photos with Scrooge on Dec 17th. Angela will confirm time.
- Rec Center Breakfast with Santa- Nate asked if anyone can help/promote Christmas Show. Derek will get more information on time/needs.
Monday, Nov 1, 2022@ 6pm at the Rec center.
Heather, Angela