November 25, 2020 Minutes

Zoom Meeting
6:30 PM


Robert Soderstrom, ToiLyn Flick, Nathan Schreier, Kelsey Gronlund, Derek Olson, Jonathan Tinsley, Becky Tinsley, Heather Pittman


Motion to approve Nathan, seconded by Jonathan


Motion to approve Jonathan, seconded by Nathan


I am going to be pushing the Pledge Drive in December through the rest of the year to try and get some more pledges that way. We did just receive $100 from a family for their pledge which I will get to Kelsey. I am also going to be working up some new shirts in the next month or so for our merch store.

I have been talking with Nate at the Rec Center about storage in the theater for our stuff plus the High School’s. They would like to hide some of it so the audience can’t see it. During strike for the High School play Robert came and took a look at what we have and came up with a great idea. We are going to build a wall around the piano case and wood pile with our flats. They will be black and accordion so we can get to the stuff behind it. Nate said this will work for a short-term solution. Sometime in December or January I am going to try and get some hands to actually build this so we can have it in place going forward. I did talk to Nate about some permanent storage, he said he is open to the idea. I also talked with the school about this and they would like to do something as well. I am going to try and schedule something between us, the school and the rec to discuss possibilities of longer term storage at the theater.


  • President
    • Robert will be moving to TN with his family. Formal notice and date to be submitted in the future. Would like to get Derek’s review completed.
  • Vice President
    • No report
  • Treasurer
    • Credit card bill of $9.49 for FB ads paid on 11/16. Received $27.08 Amazon Smiles donations and $140 Spooky Time Reading event bake sale donations. Current balance $3718.06.
  • Secretary
    • No additions at this time
  • Grant & Fundraising Committee
    • Currently looking for ideas for winter fundraiser event. Meeting with Derek about sponsorships.
  • Membership Committee
    • Email sent regarding membership renewals and committee formation.
  • Public Relations Committee
    • Working with Derek regarding promotions.
  • Creative Committee
    • Storytime Reading
      • We had our Spooky Time Reading in the Park and it went over great. Kelsey has numbers for the Bake Sale but that did go over well. We had many participants and volunteers and had a great turnout. I had some people talk to me about doing some upcoming readings for our YouTube page so I will make a push for more of those into the new year.
    • Christmas Show
      • We are talking about doing a live ‘radio play’ for the Christmas show this year. The plan is to have actors perform an edited version of ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Actors will be in front of microphones and will act out the show with someone doing live sound effects. We will stream this to our YouTube page, but hidden to start with and sell tickets for $5 to watch online. The plan is to not have a live audience. I am looking into venues right now, I am thinking either Venue 519 or Community Hall. We are also looking into a sponsor for the show to help cover any costs associated with it. If we are unable to do that I am requesting a budget for this show:
        Rental: $150
        Advertising: $50
        Technical Costs: $50
        Total: $250
        Motion by Nathan/seconded by Heather
        Proposed show date of December 17th. Sponsor will help pay to make the show free to local nursing homes and assisted living entities.


  1. Derek’s contract-Change annual pay to $10,000/year, monthly pay schedule. Executive session will meet 12/9 @ 6:30pm to finish this discussion and process.


  1. Anna – State Arts Council project member. SDAC would like feedback on how they can help us and what changes they need to make to be more helpful to organizations like ours. BOD are encouraged to submit questions and feedback to Anna to contribute to strategic planning for SDAC.
  2. Robert -Discussion held regarding his potential resignation. The decision was made to table the resignation until a future meeting as this would need to be brought to the entire membership and that would require members to nominate and vote on a new president.



12/16 @ 7:30pm via Zoom.


Motion to adjourn Heather, seconded by Jonathan

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