May 25, 2022 Minutes

Grap’s Wine Room
7:00 PM




ToiLyn Flick, Angela Hasting, Nathan Schreier, Heather Pittman, Kelsey Gronlund, Emma Tinsley, Becky Tinsley


Motion to approve by Kelsey, seconded by Heather.


Arts Conference

The Arts Conference was great and I made a lot of contacts. I spoke with the executive director of the Homestake Opera House and he is very excited about the idea of working with other theaters in the area. I was able to speak to the person at Arts Council who has handled our existing grants and got some suggestions for this coming year. I will work with Heather on reaching out to some of these as well as patron support. I also found out that next year the Arts Council will only have project grants, which we can apply for, but has more rules on them. I am also getting BFACT set up with a SAMS number, this will replace the DUNS number and we need it before we can request the last bit of ARP money we have coming to us. I also have some questions about our bylaws that came up during a session, I have relayed these to Toi to talk about. All in all, I felt like this was a very positive experience and I think we should go to more conferences. I did created some rack cards, flyers and business cards for the conference but we can use them at upcoming events, like our booths at River Fest and so on.

Potential Bylaw Issues

  • The bylaws should mention meeting electronically is permitted
  • The bylaws should mention if voting by proxy is allowed and if so, how
  • The bylaws should have something about Indemnification and conform to SDCL 47-23-27
  • The bylaws should have something about Immunity and conform to SDCL 47-23-9


I did some more research on what we need for mics and talked with Adam at the school. They are willing to put in some money to help pay for them. All told it will cost around $1500 for the five mics and associated cables. I talked with Nate at the Rec and he is doing some research as well. We are talking about various arts organizations in Belle donating money to cover this cost.


  • President
    • School funding will pay for materials to make new flats. 
    • Christmas quilt will be ready by July so we can market the raffle early.
  • Vice President
    • Has formed float committee, truck/trailer are being donated, decorating will be at Reva/Terry’s house.
  • Secretary
    • No updates at this time.
  • Treasurer
    • Final ticket sales $680, concession sales $257.30. Printing bill $68.60. Current account balance $9397.82.
  • Creative Committee
    • Don Q
      • Practices are going well and marketing will kick into high gear this coming week. I will need some helpers for tickets and bake sale, let me know if you are interested.
    • Dinner Theater
      • I will be working on the poster this weekend and marketing will kick into gear after that. I will need a few helpers for this show as well, let me know if you are interested.
    • You Can’t Take it With You
      • Licensing and scripts are all paid for. I will work with Nathan on a budget and have it for next month. Auditions are June 20 & 21.
    • Gala
      • Not much to report but Angela has some helpers for this now.
    • Halloween Show
      • After talking to the committee we have decided to not stream this show due to cost. I will get the licensing and scripts ordered soon.
  • Public Relations
    • We did not attend kite races/duck races this past weekend due to a paperwork issue.
    • We will have representation at River Fest.
    • Relations with city council/Arts Council are growing
    • Getting events up on facebook, instagram, KSLT radio, I Heart BF website
    • Committee for Gala is formed and making plans
  • Membership Committee
    • Cleaned up Arts People- inactivated people who have moved or are no longer active. 
  • Grant & Fundraising Committee
    • Online auction donation request has been posted on facebook. Auction dates July 8-17. Donations due by 7th (pictures) and 17th (physical drop off). Nathan will help Heather create a tracking document/form.


  1. Fourth of July Float update- committee is formed. Need measurements on the trailer. Season flyers to hand out. Candy will be thrown. Decorating will take place on July 3rd at Reva/Terry. Looking into printing banners with show titles.


  1. ByLaw issues- discuss changes noted by Derek. We will need to review codified laws and look into having professional guidance regarding these concerns.


Wednesday, June 29 @ 7pm at Graps


Motion to adjourn by Heather, seconded by Nathan

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