May 22, 2023 Minutes

Rec Center Montan Room
7:00 PM


President Nathan S


Nathan S, Sharon, Heather, Kelsey, Allie, Derek, Angela, Nathan T arriving 5 minutes late.


Motion Angela, Second Allie, unanimous passage



Still looking for grants. We were turned down by Walmart for a grant. $250 received from Walmart spark for being among the first to sign up. We have not yet heard from any of our other grand applications. The check from Double Star computing has still not turned up, we will ask for reissuance.

Theater Cleanup

June 10th and June 11th, 9AM on the 10th and 1PM on the 11th. On May 30th, we will be receiving a couple drawer units from DSS for small object storage options. Some things may be offered up to members for a couple days before trashing. Nate is trying to get a dumpster for us. 


Still making progress on the website redesign/update. The board will be scheduled for headshots to add to the website during photo sessions for Rock of Ages


  • President
    • Contract signed by Derek. Have not yet heard from the IRS on address change but it has been submitted. 
  • Vice President
    • Will complete quarterly audit prior to next meeting
  • Secretary
    • Nothing to report at this time
  • Treasurer
    • Bank account balance: $9353.25.
    • Pride and Prejudice gross income rcvd: Tickets: $2015, Bake sale: $574.09
    • Rcvd final payment from amazon smile of 14.46. Treasurer requests to purchase a new deposit book.
    • Motioned: Angela, Second Nathan T, unanimous passage
  • Creative Committee
    • Pride and Prejudice
      • 248 tickets sold, 23 comp tickets. Of comps, some were volunteers, some punch cards, and a couple sponsor tickets. We wil be planning to increase the price of tickets to $15 regular, $10 senior/veteran, and $5 student for Rock of Ages. ticket price will go back to normal for one act and halloween show this year. Will discuss potential change in ticket prices for next season. 
    • Rock of Ages
      • All advertising will include content warnings for adult situations and language on all our promotional materials, as well as advance notice of increased ticket prices. 
      • Rock of Ages Budget:
        • $3158.82 scripts and licensing 
        • $800 theater rental
        • $550 costumes and set
        • $4723.82 Total budget,$3158.82 paid by previous vote, additional $1350 requested 
        • Motion: Nathan T, Second Kelsey, unanimous passage
    • One Acts
      • Allie will be directing, Tyler assistant directing. Auditions will be during Rock of Ages and practice will begin after Rock of Ages wraps up. 
    • Jam Camp
      • The theater will be doing a theater camp with the Jam summer/after school program June 6th through June 8th
    • Michelle Evans with the Belle Walking History tours has requested actors for monthly events beginning June 30th and continuing to September. We promote this event on our social media and encourage members to contribute if possible.                                   
  • Public Relations
    • Angela will attend Riverfest to promote the theater on June 10th. She continues to attend meetings with the arts council, tri state museum, and the chamber to keep us abreast of community events and reinforce our presence. There will be a readers theater at the tri state museum in August, it will not be the same weekend as the one acts. 
  • Membership Committee
    • June newsletter just went out. 34 opened, 11 link clicks, and no unsubscriptions. We will continue to promote the newsletter to get more people interested. Interested parties can now sign up for the newsletter list on our website. For some reason, newsletters go out saying “Derek” instead of “BFACT” on the sender line of the emails. Derek will look into fixing this issue. 
  • Grant & Fundraising Committee
    • The karaoke fundraiser committee meeting will be Tuesday, further details to come following this meeting. The online auction has been moved to Fall. We will potentially auction some things we were planning to toss during the theater cleanup during this. Angela will assist in planning and prep for the auction which will be cross promoted with the halloween show. 


  1. Diversity statement -We are proud to create art with our community and have a commitment to celebrate and welcome all participants, volunteers, and patrons to our program regardless of perceived or actual race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.
    1. Motion to accept wording for official vote at next meeting: Allie, second Angela, unanimous passage.
  2. Proxy voting – tabled to finalize next meeting
  3. Show merch – Derek will research but may not be able to do to Rock of Ages licensing restrictions we have already agreed to when rights were purchased. 


  1. 4th of July Float – Nathan T will organize. Will register with city hall. Driver, trailer, and candy needed. Float banner will be for Rock of Ages, Nate has already given permission for us to hang it in the rec after the parade. 
  2. Show budgeting overage procedures – bounced to the creative committee to handle. Pride and Prejudice had $400 budgeted, motion to reimburse Angela an additional $600
    1. Motioned Sharon, Seconded Nathan T, unanimous passage.


June 17th 10 AM at Black Hills Diner


Motioned Allie, Seconded Angela, unanimous passage.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Secretary Heather Pittman

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