May 21, 2024 Minutes

7:00 PM 
Grap’s Wine Room

Call To Order:

President Nathan S

Roll Call: 

Nathan S, Sharon, Kelsey, Heather, Mike, quorum achieved. Nathan T attended last 20 minutes

Approval of previous minutes:

Motioned Sharon, 2nd Mike, unanimous passage

Executive Director Report:


I ran sound for a funeral a few weeks ago as well as worked with Mike on doing sound for the concert series even in May. We are getting to the point where a lot of my time is being taken up on sound related work at the theater, helping organizations with sound, loaning equipment, etc. Once I am back and working normally I would like to set up training with Board members and volunteers on how to run everything. We need lots of people trained so it doesn’t always fall on me to handle everything, it ends up eating a lot of theater hours where I can’t do other things. A huge thank you to Mike for running sound and for Nathan for tracking down a High Schooler to run lights.

I have also spoken to Haggerty’s and they will be coming down next Wednesday to look at the theater for some audio/visual quotes. I should be able to pop down for that. Once we have this quote, there will be one more to get, we are still waiting on the one from Stereos and Stuff.


We were turned down for the Coer Wharf grant. We had applied for $5,000 for this. When I submitted this one, I thought it was a bit of a long shot. We were told we don’t align with the types of organizations they fund. We are still waiting to hear back from many grants, and I am hoping we get at least two. I will also start on some new grant work in June when I am back, there are some promising ones I am already looking at.

Murder on the Orient Express

After discussion with the director of the show, we have decided to add a fourth show. This show will be Saturday at 2pm. We also have our already scheduled show that night at 7pm. This will be the first time we try two shows in a day and I am excited to see how it goes. I have spoken with Jody at the Rec Center, and tentatively we will not be charged an additional rental fee for this fourth show. Once I have confirmation, I will start promoting the show. I was hoping to have a total budget but due to the baby coming early I was not able to get it done in time. I will have it soonish for the board to vote online, it will be in the realm of $2,500.


We did receive the full deposit back from the night of one-acts from the city. I gave that check to Kelsey. That was for $250.

Rec Center Director

I had a meeting with Jody Westberg, the new Rec Center Executive Director. I took her around the theater and discussed needs and things that need to be addressed. I also explained all we do for and in the theater. She will be meeting with other organizations that use the theater to get a sense of everything that is done there. I think the meeting went great and she is very excited about what we do at BFACT and she wants to continue the relationship. I will speak with her more when I am back from leave. Jody also told me that the committee to create the Parks and Rec Citizen Committee is just about done and it should be voted on by city council in the next month or two. Once setup, it sounds like the city will solicit submissions from people who wish to serve on the committee and then the Mayor will appoint the board. Once this opens up we should make sure we get people we know to submit to make sure BFACT has a voice.

Officer Reports: 

  • President
    • Will be turning in printing costs. Scholarship awards went well
  • Vice President
    • Absent
  • Secretary
    • Nothing to report
  • Treasurer
    • Current balance $12992.40
  • Creative Committee
    • Murder on the Orient Express
      • Practices have begun for Murder on the Orient Express and people seem very excited. We had over 30 people audition, many of them new to BFACT. Melita is very excited to get going. Before auditions I had a meeting with Melita, Nathan S, Jonathan and Becky Tinsley, Emma Tinsley and Crystal Woods to discuss all of the work needed to go into the show. These people will be assistant directors or just helpers. There are some ambitious plans set for the show and I can’t wait for opening night!
    • Next Season
      • The Creative Committee met in May and we discussed the 2025 Season. Nothing is set in stone and we will be meeting again in June to solidify some things. We decided four shows is where we should be because we have some ambitious shows planned. We are also talking about adding Improv, more workshops, and the New Play Showcase in addition to these shows. The set in stone shows will be GOAT, we don’t have a date yet though, and Is He Dead? We were talking about doing It’s a Wonderful Life: Radio Drama for Christmas, but we found out BHSU will be performing that this year so we need to discuss it more. We also discussed doing a musical that can feature children performers. We were talking between The Wizard of Oz or Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. Licensing and music for the first might be around $3,000 and $6,000 for the latter. Since nothing is decided, we might look at other shows as well.
  • Public Relations
    • Took pics and promoted on fb during auditions and did a couple live videos with the director to promote the show. Will focus on learning mail chimp and getting out promotional emails. 
  • Volunteer Committee
    • Collected new volunteer paperwork at auditions. Will focus on compiling
  • Fundraising Committee
    • Absent
  • 15 Year Committee
    • Discussed potential ideas for events and projects in 2025 such as a gala, a community arts day, and a documentary

Old Business:

    New Business:

      Next meeting:

      6/15/24 9 AM Nathan Schreier’s Home


      Motioned: Mike, second: Nathan T, unanimous passage

      Respectfully submitted by Secretary Heather Pittman

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