March 11, 2020 Minutes
The Stadium
7:00 PM
Roll Call:
Jonathan Tinsley, ToiLyn Flick, Nathan Schreier, Robert Soderstrom, Kelsey Grunland, Heather Pittman, Derek Olson, Becky Tinsley
Reading and approval of the minutes of the preceding meeting:
Approved as presented.
Review and approval of bills:
Reimburse Derek $54.90 for scripts-motion by Jonathan/second by Heather. Motion by Nathan/second by Heather to allow payment of any outstanding credit card bills with review/approval at the next regular meeting. Both motions passed.
Report of the Executive Director:
License for The Man Who Came to Dinner has been approved. Cost is $120/performance= $360. Total is due by July. Ticket price will be $10/adults.
Mr. Beautiful Fork: Marketing is being worked on now. Date is delayed r/t COVID, probably to open in May.
Website will launch next Tuesday.
Theme for Night of One Acts is “Outlaws”. Budget proposals are in a shared folder.
Working on getting business cards. Will order 250 double sided cards.
SD Arts Council annual meeting is May 14-16. Motion by Nathan/second Kelsey: BFACT will pay for up to three board members to attend.
Reports of Officers and Committees:
- President
- Anna Robinson is appointed as chair for Renaissance Fair committee
- Vice President
- None
- Treasurer
- Credit card bill paid= $6311.86
- Secretary
- None
- Grant & Fundraising Committee
- Working on reorganizing lists for fundraising help.
- Membership Committee
- Website content has been added.
- Public Relations Committee
- Newsletter will now be quarterly. A public folder has been created so people can add photos/content for website.
- Creative Committee
- Meeting will be later in March.
Old and unfinished business:
- BFACT t shirts: Printful charges $9/shirt. Shirts are printed on demand. Orders will be paid to us and we pay the printer. Derek will check to see if we are required to pay sales tax on orders.
New business:
- Flex/Season tickets: Discussion held on use of Season/Flex tickets. Concensus is that these tickets could be used at shows and Mr. Beautiful Fork, but not dinner theater or fundraisers. This would need to start during 2020-2021 season.
- Ticket prices: Discussion held regarding restructuring on ticket prices. Derek proposed $12/adult, $10/senior and $5/student. Nathan proposed $10/adult, $7/senior and $5/student. No final decision made at this time.
Next BOD meeting:
April 8th, 7pm @ The Leaky Pot
Motion by Nathan/seconded by Jonathan
Respectfully submitted by Becky Tinsley, Secretary