July 28, 2022 Agenda

Grap’s Wine Room/Zoom
7:00 PM






I did apply to a couple more smaller grants and I am waiting to hear back on them. I did hear back from BHE though and we didn’t get that one. I will try again with them as soon as we are able.

It took some time but I was finally able to get a SAMS number for BFACT and I will be able to request the last of the Arts Council money.


I have worked with Nate more on the sound issue. The school found two hanging mics that I tested and they do work, which is great. I am going to try and get those hung and the other three hanging mics lowered all before ‘You Can’t Take It With You’ to see how the sound is for that show and to see how many more speakers and mics we need. The Belle Fourche Walking History and Promotion group has an event coming up the weekend of ‘You Can’t Take It With You’ and will donate some money to the Rec for updating the sound system which is good. Nate has been unable to get the Arts Council to commit to anything for sound so when we think of the money to spend it will come from this new group, the Rec, the school, and us.


  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Creative Committee
    • Meeting
      • The Creative Committee is meeting right before the BOD meeting to go over the rest of this season and starting to plan the new season. Tentative dates:
        • Dinner Theater- Feb 10-11, 2023
        • Pride & Prejudice- May 12-14, 2023
        • Mama Mia!- July 27-30, 2023
        • NH One Acts- October, 2023
        • Gala- Late October, 2023
        • Christmas- Dec 15-17, 2023
    • You Can’t Take It With You
      • A poster has been created and tickets are set up for sale. We will start the push on advertising this coming week and will do as much as we can. We will be working on set this weekend for the show so anyone who can come is welcome to- starting at 9am.
    • Northern Hills
      • We have a name for the Northern Hills One-Acts, it is ‘Getting Our Acts Together: A Night of Northern Hills One-Acts.’ I am waiting on shows from the other towns and then we will start advertising the show. The show itself is October 14 – 16. The 14 will be in Lead, the 15 in Spearfish and the 16 in Belle at 3pm. I will be directing this show and I am working on a budget and schedule as we speak. It shouldn’t be very expensive because we are going to do an original show ‘Endings are Hard,’ this was a show Toi and I created and did for the High School a couple of years back. It went over very well, is a small cast with little set so it should fit the parameters we need for this show.
    • Hitchcock
      • The scripts have come in for ‘Vintage Hitchcock.’ I am trying to track down a director now and have talked with a few people about this. I am hoping to get someone locked down very soon and get a practice schedule together.
    • Christmas Show
      • I have ordered several scripts and Toi is going over them to pick the version we will be doing for this year’s Christmas show.
  • Public Relations
  • Membership Committee
  • Grant & Fundraising Committee


  1. ABC collaboration- Not a successful endeavor this year. 
  2. Christmas Quilt Raffle- Quilt will be completed in August. Three businesses in town will display and sell tickets for us. Toi Lyn will talk to Sand Creek Printing for a quote on printing raffle tickets. 
  3. Annual Meeting- Tentative date January 14, 2023 at Venue 519 @ 7pm. Plan to serve a dessert bar.
  4. Kelsey purchased specialized hole punches. 


  1. Grant funding- There is a document in the shared drive Fundraiser folder with links to grant application websites.



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