July 22, 2019 Agenda

Leaky Pot
7:00 PM

Roll Call:

Reading and approval of the minutes of the preceding meeting:

Review and approval of bills:

Reports of the Executive Director:

Reports of Officers and Committees:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Grant & Financing Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Public Relations Committee
  • Fundraising Committee

Old and unfinished business:

  1. Bylaws- Review and finalize
  2. Non-profit status application- Officers need to sign, write a check for $30 and mail
  3. Executive Director position- Review of applications and candidate selection to be held at July 22, 2019 board meeting. Revisit expectations and compensation for work duties.
  4. At Large Board Member- discuss assignment of duties
  5. Membership dues- Do we want to implement this?
  6. Mission and Vision Statements- review and formalize for Non-profit application and promotional materials.
  7. Update on social media project from Derek- Email address, website, Facebook, etc
  8. Update on Belle Fourche Visitor guide-Derek is looking into the information that was possibly sent to them by Michelle Deyo-Amende.

New business:

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