July 11, 2019 Agenda

Leaky Pot
7:00 PM

Roll Call:

Reading and approval of the minutes of the preceding meeting:

Review and approval of bills:

Reports of the Executive Director:

Reports of Officers and Committees:

  • Grant & Financing Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Public Relations Committee
  • Fundraising Committee

Old and unfinished business:

  1. Bylaws- Jonathan has templates.
  2. Non-profit status application- Discuss and formalize plan for online application process. Kelsey will check to see if there is anything specific to S.D. rules for this application.
  3. Executive Director position- Derek will create a press release to formally advertise for the position in local papers and on social media. Applications will be taken through July 8, 2019. Review of applications and candidate selection to be held at July 11, 2019 board meeting. Revisit expectations and compensation for work duties.
  4. At Large Board Member- discuss assignment of duties
  5. Membership dues- Research impact on Non-profit status
  6. Mission and Vision Statements- formalize for Non-profit application and promotional materials.
  7. Update on social media project from Derek- Email address, website, Facebook, etc
  8. Revisit organizational name change discussion
  9. Update on Belle Fourche Visitor guide-Derek is looking into the information that was possibly sent to them by Michelle Deyo-Amende.
  10. Report on Belle Fourche July 4th Parade.

New business:

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