December 13, 2021 Agenda
Grap’s Wine Room
I made a small push to sponsors before the Christmas show and I was able to get a couple. So far we have all of our sponsors from last year except three, but I am hoping to get those after the first of the year. We added back Schreier Engineering this year and have some hopeful prospects in other places. I will start my big push after the first of the year and I am hopeful we will gain a few new sponsors this year. We are also waiting to hear back from Black Hills Energy on if they will be giving money this year. After March I will be able to go after WalMart again and I am hopeful we will get more from them.
Christmas Show
The Christmas show went really well over the weekend. Attendance was up over the summer shows and about 10 tickets off from our first Christmas show a couple of years ago. People seemed to enjoy it and were very generous with donating to the bake sale and the quilt raffle. Kelsey will have full numbers for everything but I am happy with what we received. Bake sales continue to be big money makers at events and I think we will continue with those for all shows.
I have some website cleanup I will be working on before the end of the year.
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Creative Committee
- We will be having a meeting on the 27 to start finalizing plans for the rest of the season. Right now we are talking about a small one-act in the spring with somewhat more adult content, and two shows this summer. Originally we were hoping for a small musical early summer and a show like Arsenic in the later summer. I have reached out to Rebecca Fahey about musical directing it but if she can that would have to be the later summer show instead. So we have some decisions to make. We are also hoping for a dinner theater sometime in the summer or fall. Beyond that we might work to squeeze in some virtual shows and workshops plus maybe a gala at the end of the year.
- Public Relations
- Membership Committee
- Grant & Fundraising Committee