August 24, 2022 Agenda

Grap’s Wine Room/Zoom
7:00 PM






I have finally been able to request the rest of the money for our ARP grants, $2,216.67. That should be coming in soon. Now that You Can’t Take It With You is done I will begin to focus my efforts on trying to get some more grants for the coming season.

Concert Series

Nate sent me a list from the Concert Series of all of their events. They have concerts on Sept 29, October 15, March 9, March 30 and April 24. We will have to have someone available for all of those, although they may not actually have to be there, just be on call. I can do most of those but I will need some help. On Sept 29 I will not be in town as will Nate and Oct 15 we will be at Matthews for the NH One-Acts. So I will need help tracking down people to watch over those.

Rec Open House

The Rec Center will hold its annual open house on September 11 from 1 – 4pm. I have said we will be there. We will have a table. My thought is we have posters there, maybe even those big ones we did for the parade. We can sell punch cards and such and just be there to talk about us and what we have coming up. Typically there aren’t tons of people that come so we will only need a person or two there, is anyone interested?


I was able to find some more sound equipment in the theater. I will be doing a deeper dive clean into the sound cabinet coming up. For now though, we have 3 floor mics and I lowered the three hanging mics. Once the curtains are in I will hang three more hanging mics. I was told during You Can’t Take It With You, from lots of people, that the sound was the best they have heard in that theater, so I think we are making progress. The next step will be to get two speakers for the middle of the theater to help sound there and possibly another sound bar to go on the front of the stage with one hopefully in the light booth. There is some talk of moving the sound board to the light booth, but that will be a ways off.

Stage Cleaning

As we tore down the set after You Can’t Take It With You we also worked on a deeper clean and purge of the theater. On the Monday after the show we had some more help and we finished condensing the amount of stuff in the theater and moved everything so the garage is clear as well as the stage.


  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Creative Committee
    • You Can’t Take It With You
      • The show went off great and we had 286 tickets for the show which is the biggest BFACT show since we reformed. We only had one BOGO ticket from the parade used. We did have 5 tickets given out to the punch cards. Overall I am very pleased with how the show performed as well as everyone involved in it. It was a huge success.
    • Getting Our Acts Together
      • Auditions
        • Auditions for this show will be September 6 at 7pm with a readthrough on the 7 at 7pm. The show we are doing is Endings Are Hard, a show the high school performed a couple of years ago. I will be directing this show and I am very excited to get started on it. Stories are being published in Pioneer and other local papers.
      • Budget Request
        • Scripts 20
        • Rec Center Rental 200
        • Printing (Scripts, posters, auditions, etc) 35
        • Advertising 50
        • Set building 50
        • Total 355
    • Vintage Hitchcock
      • Auditions
        • Auditions for this show will be October 6 at 7pm at Rec Center. Heather will be directing this show and I will be her Assistant Director. I have talked with Jessie Johnson to be our SFX person for the show.
      • Budget Request
        • Scripts & Licensing 232.4
        • Printing (Scripts, posters, auditions, etc) 50
        • Misc 50
        • Advertising 60
        • Total 392.4
    • Gala
      • I don’t have any real information on this but I will be working with people to get this all sorted out soon. Considering moving to Nov 12, 2022.
  • Public Relations
  • Membership Committee
  • Grant & Fundraising Committee


  1. Quilt Raffle- Can we print  formal posters to travel with the quilt. Nathan will design and print posters to be distributed around town.


  1. Theater on the Run- proposed idea of incorporating this progressive theater into businesses in BF.
  2. Parade of Lights- We need a float for Nov. 26th (tent.)



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