April 28, 2022 Agenda

Grap’s Wine Room
7:00 PM






I finished up my sponsorship list, with some help from Toi. We did get a $1,000 sponsorship from SME’s Treats and a $500 from Black Hills Diner. We received a $100 donation from Duke Boston Insurance. We might be getting a $500 donation from Crossroads as well, hoping to hear back soon. Other than that, I feel like we have received most local business sponsorships we will get this season. I might do another push before the kid’s show for a few that were wishy-washy before. I think we should start with personal sponsorships and going after grants. I will talk with Heather about this more.

Take a Bow

The show went really great, even though the Saturday show got postponed. We did not get a refund from Community Hall for the canceled show and to put on the show at the Rec, it cost another $250. All told, the show cost: $1258.02. I don’t have final numbers on everything. We had 74 tickets, with some comps and sponsorship flex tickets in that. I’m not sure how much the bake sale made as well. We did receive a personal donation of $200 from one of our actors that will help pay for everything though. Even though we didn’t make money, I think the show was a success. It went over very well and we picked up several new actors who want to get more involved in theater. Audiences seemed to really enjoy the show as well.

SD Arts Conference

I received a scholarship to attend the SD Arts Conference. Anna is going as well and we are going to stay a couple of nights. I was wondering if BFACT would be willing to pay for one of the hotel nights, we would pay for the other. It will be $150. I am very excited for this. I am hoping to meet up with other theaters that are there. I think it will be good to network at this event. I will be getting business cards for this, they will be about $35 with taxes and shipping. Dates are May 19-21.

Rec center update

City council approved funds and new curtains are ordered for the theater. Cost is $20,000 with installation. Discussions are ongoing for new speakers and microphones, funds are not approved yet but the school district may be able to assist.


  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Creative Committee
    • Members
      • Colin Hockenbary is no longer available. Allie Verry will take his slot.
    • Don Q
      • We had auditions for the children’s show and they have begun practices. Everything seems to be going well so far. We will start a marketing push in about mid-May for this show. I am hoping we will have great attendance for this one. Rachel Johnson is directing the show with Karlee Gusso assisting.
    • Dinner Theater
      • Dinner theater will have auditions on May 9 in the Dakota Room. The show itself is June 24 & 25 at Grap’s. Grap’s will be taking money for tickets, we won’t sell them directly. Tickets will be $25 a piece for dinner and a show and we will get $10 from each ticket. Marketing will start in May once Grap’s is ready to take tickets. Grap’s will also incorporate advertising into their regular ads.
    • You Can’t Take it With You
      • Nathan and I will have our final budget set for next month’s meeting. I would like to get the rights figured out now and purchased. This way there are no hiccups and if there are, we have time to correct them before auditions on June 20 and 21. There is some weirdness now though, there are two companies with licensing for the show, not sure which one is correct or not. That means licensing will be somewhere between $300 – $400. I would like the board to approve my purchasing this.
    • Vintage Hitchcock
      • We don’t have a director or auditions set yet for this but I would like to get the licensing taken care of right now though. I won’t find out the total amount until purchase but it should be $300 – $350. I would like the board to approve me getting the licensing purchased right away.
    • A Christmas Carol
      • I will be working with CC to get a director picked for this show.
    • Workshops
      • At our next CC meeting we will begin talking workshops to fit in over the summer and fall.
    • Next season
      • Goal is to have the next season chosen by October.
  • Public Relations
  • Membership Committee
  • Grant & Fundraising Committee



  1. SD Arts Council State Meeting- funding for Derek’s attendance to pay for hotel room. 



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